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Here you can hear fragments of my classical concert works devided into three main categories: Orchestral, Chamber and Vocal.
Works that have not been released are available only here (in fragments). The rest is available on all streaming services and CD/Vinyl stores.
Catalogue of works:
Orchestra, Ensemble & Concertos
HyperSphere – for orchestra (2024) [duration: 15’] orchestra: 2, 2, 2, 2 4, 2, 3, 1, timp + 2 x batt, cel, hp, stringsPremiered May 17th 2024 in Warsaw /Polska Orkiestra Radiowa, Michał Klauza)
Dimorphos – double concerto for basset horn, bass clarinet & chamber orchestra (2023) [duration: 20’][basset horn, bass clarinet, orchestra: 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, perc.x2, hp, strings: 2 vlns, 1 vla, vc, cb) Commissioned by the OMN Ensemble Premiered on September 23 2023 in Zakopane
EXPO 2020 Dubai || Poland. Landscapes of crativity: Introduction (2021) [duration: 3’] [2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3, 1, temp + 4 perc, pf, hp, strings),
EXPO 2020 Dubai || Poland. Landscapes of crativity: From Tatras to The Himalayas (2021) [duration: 3’] [2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3, 1, timp + 4 perc, pf, hp, strings + złóbcoki) Commissioned by Stellar Fireworks, Science Now & Tellart.
Black Rainbows – Saxophone Concerto (2019)[duration: 18’][solo saxophone (S, A, T), orchestra: 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, perc.x2, pf, hp, strings: 3 vln, 1 vla, 2 vc, 1 cb) Commissioned by Bartłomiej Duś and The New Music Orchestra / Zamówienie Barłomieja Dusia i Orkiestry Muzyki Nowej
Lunula – for string orchestra (2018)[min.: 5 4 3 3 2 ] Commissioned by Morningside Side Musical Bridge/Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, premiered on August 3rd, in Warsaw. Utwór zamówiony przez Morningside Side Musical Bridge/Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. Prawykonanie odbyło się 3 sierpnia w Warszawie.
HemiSphere II – for string orchestra (2018)[min.: 5 4 3 3 1 ] World premiere recording by Sinfonietta Cracovia, conducted by Jurek Dybał. Date of release will be revealed soon. /Nagranie premierowe zostało dokonane przez orkiestrę Sinfonietta Cracovia pod dyrekcją Jurka Dybała. Data premiery płyty zostanie podana wkrótce.
Afterglow – II Violin Concerto (2018)[duration 18'] [ violin solo, orchestra: 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, perc.x2, pf, hp, strings: 2 vlns, 1 vla, 1 vc, 1 cb]. Commissioned by New Music Orchestra /w ramach programu Zamówienia Kompozytorskie / Composers' Commissions/. Premiered on April 22nd, 2018 at NOSPR, in Katowice. Katarzyna Duda – violin, Orkiestra Muzyki Nowej, Szymon Bywalec – conductor
Black Streams (2017) – accordion concerto[accordion + string orchestra], Commissioned by Elbąg Chamber Orchestra /Zamówienia kompozytorskie / Composing Commissions /. Premiered in November 2017 in Elbląg. Rafał Grząka – accordion, Rafał Janiak – conductor
Bridging Urban America Suite (2017)[duration: 20’] [solo cello, solo piano, orchestra: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, perc.x2, strings ) Commissioned by Cracow Duo, Premiered on April 5th, 2017, Sao Paulo, Brasil, by Cracow Duo, Unicamp Orchestra, Rafał Delekta - conductor
Piano Concerto / Koncert fortepianowy (2014) [duration: 22’]– Movement I: Grounds– Movement II: Between– Movement III: Vastness[2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 0, batt.x3, hp, solo pf, strings (14, 12, 10, 8, 6)]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Tadeusz Domanowski – piano, Gorzów Philharmonic Orchestra, Monika Wolińska – conductor / dyrygent, May 16th, 2014, Gorzów Wielkopolski, PolandCommisioned by Gorzów Philharmonic Orchestra / Zamówienie Filharmonii Gorzowskiej
II Symphony – EMERGE / II Symfonia – EMERGE (2014)[duration 20'] [3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 1, timp+batt.x4, hp, strings (16, 14, 12, 10, 8)]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Polish Orchestra Sinfonia Iuventus, Krzysztof Słowiński – conductor / dyrygent, May 10th, 2014, Warsaw, Poland, Commissioned by Polish Composers' Union / Zamówienie Związku Kompozytorów Polskich w ramach programu MKiDN Zamówienia Kompozytorskie. Recording available on Tomasz's album EMERGE (Warner Classics 2016)
Entrada Concertante (2013)– for 42 players /dla 42 wykonawców [duration: 12'] [2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, batt.x3, 7, 6, 7, 5, 2]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Players of Kielce Philharmonic Orchestra, Mieczysław Gawroński – conductor / dyrygent, February 7th, 2014, Kielce, PolandCommissioned by Kielce Philharmonic Orchestra / Zamówienie Filharmonii Świętokrzyskiej w ramach programu MKiDN Zamówienia Kompozytorskie.
HemiSphere (2013)– for string orchestra /na orkiestrę smyczkową [duration: 12’][5, 4, 3, 3, 1]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra, Stanisław Winiarczyk – conductor / dyrygent, September 27th, 2013, Warsaw, Poland
L.A. Concerto (2013) – for violin & symphony orchestra / koncert na skrzypce i orkiestrę symfoniczną [duration: 25’]– Movement I: Hollywood Hills – Movement II: The Pacific– Movement III: Sunset-Motion[vn solo, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 0, timp+2x perc., hp, strings (12, 10, 8, 6, 4)]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Janusz Wawrowski – violin, National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR), Michał Klauza – conductor / dyrygent, April 26th, 2013, Katowice, PolandCommissioned by Polish Radio National Philharmonic Orchestra / Zamówienie Narodowej Orkiestry Symfonicznej Polskiego Radia w ramach programu MKiDN Zamówienia Kompozytorskie.
D.N.A. – Concerto for bass clarinet & chamber orchestra (2012) / koncert na bas klarnet i orkiestrę kameralną [duration: 18’] [bcl solo, fl/fl pc, ob/e.hrn, cl (Bb), bsn/cbsn, cr, tr (C), tbn, tba, 2x perc, 1 hp, 1 pf, vn I, vn II, vl, vc, cb]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Jadwiga Czarkowska – bass clarinet, Chain Chamber Orchestra, Wojciech Michniewski – conductor / dyrygent, February 1st, 2013, Warsaw, Poland, Commissioned by Witold Lutosławski Society / Zamówienie Towarzystwa im. Witolda Lutosławskiego. Recording available on Tomasz's album EMERGE (Warner Classics 2016)
Collisions of the Matter (2012) – for symphony orchestra / na orkiestrę symfoniczną[duration: 14’] [3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 0, timp+3x perc, hp, strings (16, 14, 12, 10, 8)]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Polish Orchestra Sinfonia Iuventus, Krzysztof Słowiński – conductor / dyrygent,May 11th, 2013, Warsaw, Poland, Recording available on Tomasz's album EMERGE (Warner Classics 2016)
RIOT – for chamber orchestra / na orkiestrę kameralną (2012) [duration: 10’][1, 1, 1, 1, cr, 1 perc, strings: 8 vn, 2 vl, 2 vc, cb)]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Ensemblage Chamber Orchestra, Marcin Piotr Łopacki – conductor / dyrygent,September 19th, 2012, Warsaw, Poland, Recording available Warsaw AutumnChronicle (POLMIC 2012)
VITALITY – Concerto for percussion & symphony orchestra / Koncert na perkusję i orkiestrę symfoniczną (2011) [duration: 27’]– Movement I: The Raindance – Movement II: The Transition – Movement III: Rebirth & Acceptation[perc. solo, orchestra: 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 0, 4x perc, hp, strings: 16, 14, 12, 10, 8)]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Leszek Lorent – percussion solo, Polish Radio Orchestra, Szymon Bywalec – conductor / dyrygent, March 4th, 2012, Warsaw, Poland
Calisia Concerto – for 10 pianos & orchestra / na 10 fortepianów i orkiestrę (2010) [duration: 4’30”][2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 0, timp+2x perc, 10x pf, strings: 14, 12, 10, 8, 6]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Kalisz Philharmonic Orchestra, Adam Klocek– conductor / dyrygent, October 1st, 2010, Kalisz, PolandCommissioned by Kalisz Philharmonic Orchestra / Zamówienie Filharmonii Kaliskiej
Spaces – for large symphony orchestra / Przestrzenie – na wielką orkiestrę symfoniczną (2010) [duration: 20’][4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 3, 3, 1, timp+ 3x perc, hp, strings: 18, 16, 14, 12, 10]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Orchestra Musica Festiva, Stanisław Krawczyński – conductor / dyrygent, July 15th, 2010, Cracow, Poland, Recording available on Wawel: Musica Festiva DVD (Castello GT 2010)
Advection (2010) – for 16 players / dla 16 wykonawców [duration: 10’][1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2x perc, pf, hp, vn I, vn II, vl, vc, cb]Premiered / Prawykonanie: New Music Orchestra, Szymon Bywalec – conductor / dyrygent, May 21st, 2011, Beijing, ChinaCommissioned by Adam Mickiewicz Institute / Zamówienie Instytutu Adama Mickiewicza
Event Horizon Symphony – for large symphony orchestra / Symfonia Horyzont Zdarzeń – na wielką orkiestrę symfoniczną (2009) [duration: 21’][4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 3, 3, 1, 4x perc, hp, strings: 16, 14, 12, 10, 8]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Łódź Philharmonic Orchestra, Michał Klauza – conductor / dyrygent, December 4th, 2009, Łódź, Poland
QUADRA (2007 )– for symphony orchestra / na orkiestrę symfoniczną [duration: 11’][2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 0, timp+ 3x perc, strings: 14, 12, 10, 8, 6]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Polish Radio Orchestra, Łukasz Borowicz – conductor / dyrygent, April 5th, 2008, Warsaw, Poland, Recording available on Tomasz's album EMERGE (Warner Classics 2016)
„Reaching to the Beginning”- for mixed choir, symphony orchestra and soloists (2007) / „Sięgając do Początku” – na chór mieszany, orkiestrę symfoniczną i solistów [duration: 11’25”][2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 3, 1, timp + 2x perc, choir: SATB, soloists: sop, alt, ten, bari, strings: 14, 12, 10, 8, 6]Premiered / Prawykonanie: AMFC Symphony Orchestra, Kazimierz Dąbrowski – conductor / dyrygent, March 30th, 2007, Warsaw, Poland
Visions of Perfect Shapes – for symphony orchestra / na orkiestrę symfoniczną (2006) [19’30”][2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0 timp + 2x perc, strings: 14, 12, 10, 8, 6]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Daniel Gazon – conductor /dyrygent, December 11th, 2006, Bratislava, Slovakia
INTERACTION I (2003) – for chamber orchestra / na orkiestrę kameralną [7”32”][1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1x perc, pf, strings: 3, 3, 2, 2, 1]Premiered / Prawykonanie: Forum Ensemble Chamber Orchestra, Miłosz Bembinow – conductor / dyrygent, February 12, 2004, Warsaw, Poland
Opera, Vocal & Vocal-Instrumental
Harda – Opera Pilot, Ensemble: S, A, CT, T, Br, B, Choir: SATB & orchestra: 3,2,2,2 4,3,3,1 perc x5, harp, strings
Zrealizowano w ramach programu stypendialnego Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego – Kultura w sieci [duration: 25'}
Ars Moriendi: Requiem Giocoso (2019)
70-minute opera commissioned by The Polish Royal Opera. Ensemble: S, M, A, CT, T, Br, B, Choir: SATB & orchestra: 2,2,2,2 4,3,2,1 perc x3, perc solo, piano, harp, strings + audio playback. World premiere: March 17, 2022, Warsaw, Witold Lutosławski Concert Hall [duration: 70']
Dedykacja / Dedication (2017) – for soprano, flute, harpsichord and string quartet / na sopran, flet, klawesyn i kwartet smyczkowy,
World Premiere / Prawykonanie: Warszawa, Poland, May 12th, 2017 [duration: 2']
Pieśń Lutni / Song of The Lute (2016) – for soprano, bass, lute and string quartet / na sopran, bas, lutnię i kwartet smyczkowy, Text: Bai Juyi, przekład: Marcin Jacoby. World Premiere / Prawykonanie: Kraków, Poland, May 13th, 2016. Commissioned by Kraków Akademy of Music / Zamówienie Akademii Muzycznej w Krakowie w ramach programu MKiDN Zamówienia Kompozytorskie [duration: 22']
„…lips to kiss…” (2015)
– for vocal sextet / na sekstet wokalny (2015) [duration: 6'30''] Text: William Shakespeare (s, ms, ms, t, br, bs)
Premiere / Prawykonanie: May 15th, 2015, Warsaw, Poland, Commissioned by proMODERN / Zamówienie zespołu proMODERN, Recording available on proMODERN: "Shakespired" album (Warner Classics 2017) [duration: 5']
Chamber & Solo Works
Laminar Circulations (2023) – for accordion & wind quintet. Prawykonanie / world premiere, Warsaw, October 27, 2023, Nowa Miodowa, by Maciej Frąckiewicz & Sinfonia Varsovia Wind Quintet
In Memoriam (2022) – version for violin & string quartet
Prawykonanie / world premiere, Warsaw, April 14, 2022, Nowa Miodowa
Black Wing (2022) – for viola & piano
Prawykonanie / world premiere, Warsaw, April 9, 2022, Polskie Radio / Polish Radio
In Memoriam (2021) – for violin & organ
Prawykonanie / world premiere, Warsaw, March 2021
Party Crasher (2021) – for cello, synths, percussion & trombone
Prawykonanie / world premierę (in Dolby Atmos), January 2023, UMFC, Warsaw
released on CUEMS album (CUP)
Hype! (2020) – for cello, piano & percussion
Commissioned by Porta Musicae. World premiere: November 22, 2020, Cracow Philharmonic
Crossroads – version 2 – for two accordions commissioned by Maciej Frąckiewicz in 2012.
Re-written in 2019 and recorded by Maciej Frąckiewicz and Rafał Łuc. Released on their album titled Dualabilis
Nivasi (2017) – for bass clarinet, tuba, percussion, violin, cello,
Commissioned by Orchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin supported by Förderkreis der Deutschen Oper Berlin e. V. World Premiere/Prawykonanie: Berlin, Germany, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Tischlerei, January 8th, 2018
Dedykacja / Dedication (2017) – for soprano, flute, harpsichord and string quartet / na sopran, flet, klawesyn i kwartet smyczkowy,
World Premiere / Prawykonanie: Warszawa, Poland, May 12th, 2017
Pieśń Lutni / Song of The Lute (2016)
– for soprano, bass, lute and string quartet / na sopran, bas, lutnię i kwartet smyczkowy, Text: Bai Juyi, przekład: Marcin Jacoby
World Premiere / Prawykonanie: Kraków, Poland, May 13th, 2016
Commissioned by Kraków Akademy of Music / Zamówienie Akademii Muzycznej w Krakowie w ramach programu MKiDN Zamówienia Kompozytorskie.
„…lips to kiss…” (2015) – for vocal sextet / na sekstet wokalny (2015)
[duration: 6'30''] Text: William Shakespeare (s, ms, ms, t, br, bs) Premiere / Prawykonanie: May 15th, 2015, Warsaw, Poland,
Commissioned by proMODERN / Zamówienie zespołu proMODERN, Recording available on proMODERN: "Shakespired" album (Warner Classics 2017)
The Glitch (2015) – for cello & piano / na wiolonczelę i fortepian (2015)
[duration: 11'30''] Premiere / Prawykonanie: Cracow Duo (Jan Kalinowski – cello, Marek Szlezer – piano) February 24th, 2015, Los Angeles, USA
Commissioned by Cracow Duo / Zamówienie zespołu Cracow Duo, released on "Dedications. Vol 3" album (DUX)
Two ballet pieces from "Mr. Lutosławski" (2013) stage play – "Garden at Night", "Ghosts"
[duration: 4’] [cl, pf, vn I, vn II, vl, vc]
Premiere / Prawykonanie: September 11, 2013, Gniezno, Poland
Loca Deserta (2012) – for classic guitar and string quartet / na gitarę klasyczną i kwartet smyczkowy
(2013) [duration: 9'30''] [gtr, vln I, vln II, vla, vc]
Premiere / Prawykonanie: September 29th, 2012, Warsaw, Poland
Commissioned by The Royal Castle in Warsaw / Zamówienie Zamku Królewskiego w Warszawie
Crossroads (2012) – for two accordions / na dwa akordeony
[duration: 6'20''] Premiere / Prawykonanie: Maciej Frąckiewicz, Paweł Janas – accordions,
June 18th, 2012, Warsaw, Poland
Fil d'araignee (2012) – for solo violin / na skrzypce solo
[duration: 8'30''] Premiere / Prawykonanie: Janusz Wawrowski – violin solo, May 18th, 2012, Warsaw, Poland
Commisioned by Janusz Wawrowski /Zamówienie Janusza Wawrowskiego, Recording available on Janusz Wawrowski CD SEQUENZA (Warner Classics 2016)
Flutters (2012) – for two flutes / na dwa flety [duration: 6']
Premiere / Prawykonanie: Flute o'clock, July 2012, Szczecinek, Poland
Epilogue from "Organ Odyssey" (2011) – for organ solo / na organy solo [duration: 5']
Premiere / Prawykonanie: Dariusz Przybylski – organ solo, September 20th, 2011, Warsaw, Poland
Recording available on "Warsaw Autumn Chronicle" CD (POLMIC 2008)
4 Phases for 2 (2011) – for bass clarinet & marimba / na klarnet basowy i marimbę
[duration: 7'] Premiere / Prawykonanie: Jadwiga Czarkowska – bass clarinet, Michał Niedziałek – marimba
November 7th, 2011, Warsaw, Poland
x–Pose (2010) – for four players / dla czterech wykonawców
[duration: 6'30''] [cl/bcl, el.gtr, acc, vc] Premiere / Prawykonanie: September 17th, 2011, Warsaw, Poland
Recording available on "Warsaw Autumn Chronicle" (POLMIC 2010)
Chop-in-Matrix (2010) – for 9 players / dla 9 wykonawców
[duration: 7'30''], [cl, tr, prc, cmb, acc, pf, vn, vc, cb] Premiere / Prawykonanie: May 10th, 2010, Warsaw, Poland
Piano Drum'a (2009) – for 2 pianos & 2 percussion sets / na 2 fortepiany i 2 zestwy perkusyjne
[duration: 10'] Premiere / Prawykonanie: June 30th, 2010, Warsaw, Poland
In-Tension (2009) – for flute, oboe & violin / na flet, obój i skrzypce
[duration: 5'] Premiere / Prawykonanie: November 30th, 2009, Kiev, Ukraine
per-Version (2009) – for cl, el.gtr, pf / na cl, el.gtr, pf
[duration: 1'] Premiere / Prawykonanie: September 12th, 2009, Warsaw, Poland
Cirro-Stratus (2009) – for stereo audio playback [duration: 3']
Premiere / Prawykonanie: May, 2009, Warsaw, Poland
Five CloudScapes (2009) – for solo accordion / na akordeon solo
[duration: 10'] Premiere / Prawykonanie: Maciej Frąckiewicz, May, 2009, Radziejowice, Poland
Myotis (2008) – quintet / kwintet
[duration: 10'] [cl, perc, pf, vln, vc] Premiere / Prawykonanie: February 2009, Warsaw, Poland
DreamScapes (2008) – for organ and french horn / na organy i waltornię
[duration: 5'] Premiere / Prawykonanie: Dariusz Przybylski – organ, Henryk Kowalewicz – waltornia,
September 2008, Warsaw, Poland
Recording available on "Warsaw Autumn Chronicle" (POLMIC 2008)